Instructions (Circular) on Implementation of Jagananna Thodu / YSR Bhima Role of the Welfare Assistants



O/o the GSWS Department, TADEPALLI-522501



Memo No. 150/JT-YSRB/2020, dated: 20.11.2020





GSWSD – Implementation of Welfare Schemes – Jagananna Thodu / YSR Bhima –Role of the Welfare Assistants – Instructions

issued – Regarding.


1.       G.O.Ms.No.01, 29-05-2020, GVWV & VSWS Department

2.       G.O.MS. No. 5 Dated: 28-08-2020, Labour Factories Boilers & IMS (Lab-I) Department.




1)   It is informed that vide reference cited 1 above, Government has issued orders on implementing Jagananna Thodu Programme, which is aimed at providing relief to Chiru Vyaparulu who are into small time business for their livelihood and raising funds for investment at usurious rates of Interest. The Scheme is aimed at providing interest free loans of Rs. 10,000 /- to each of the eligible benefciaries as seed capital.

2)  Vide reference cited above, Government has also issued orders for implementing a Insurance programme, YSR Bhima to the eligible benefciaries who are primary bread earners for the family.

3)  Identifcation of benefciaries for both the programmes are being conducted in the feld and in this regard, it has been decided to give following instructions for the speedy, efective and qualitative implementation of the programme duly involving Village / Ward Secretariat functionaries, Welfare Assistant in Rural Areas and Ward Welfare and Development Secretary in Urban Areas,

a.       Tentatively, the Welfare Assistants / Ward Welfare & Development Secretaries are mapped to the Bank Branches available in their geographical area. The Joint Collectors (VSWS D) are requested to go through it and are hereby permitted to make suitable changes, if required.

b.       Welfare Assistants / Ward Welfare & Development Secretaries will coordinate with bank managers and help in all possible ways using the Volunteer network for completion of identifcation of benefciaries and addressing any issues arising for, in Jagananna Thodu and YSR Bhima in the next 2 days

c.       The Welfare Assistants / Ward Welfare & Development Secretaries have to visit the Bank Branches to ensure,

For YSR Bhima

i.                              The Welfare Assistants / Ward Welfare & Development Secretaries shall collect the YSR Bhima Enrolment forms and visit the Banks concerned and coordinate for transferring the premium to the accounts of benefciaries.

ii.                                During their visit, the Welfare Assistants / Ward Welfare & Development Secretaries shall also verify the active and inactive status of Bank Accounts and shall take necessary action to make inactive accounts operational for the benefciary to avail the scheme.

iii.                                   The Welfare Assistants / Ward Welfare & Development Secretaries shall have a review with the Volunteers and shall complete balance un-surveyed Rice Cards for identifying eligible benefciaries. The Base Line data that is available with the Village and Ward Volunteers may be examined to fnd out the Contact Details of such Un-surveyed Rice Card holders and complete the survey on priority.

iv.                                 The Chief Executive Ofcer, SERP is requested to give instructions to the Project Directors, DRDA to coordinate with the Bank Branches to ensure all eligible benefciaries are covered in YSR Bhima scheme.


For Jagananna Thodu:

i.                             Each Welfare Assistants / Ward Welfare & Development Secretary shall have a review on the No. of identifed benefciaries identifed Volunteer wise and shall monitor for completion of identifcation of Benefciaries for  the  programme, if any eligible benefciary is left out.

ii.                                As the download option is given for Jagananna Thodu application, the Welfare Assistants / Ward Welfare & Development Secretaries shall visit the branches carrying downloaded application and facilitate for getting sanctions to the eligible benefciaries.

iii.                                  To check for reasons for rejection at Banks for the identifed benefciaries and take necessary action to the extent possible, by coordinating with Volunteers, Benefciaries for getting them approved.

iv.                                 Further, Joint Collectors (VSWS D) are requested to coordinate with the local Stamps and Registration ofcials for making physical stamp papers available to the bank branches in order to overcome its shortage in the document process of Jagananna Thodu sanctions by using the Village and Ward Secretariat network.

4)  The functioning of Welfare Assistants / Ward Welfare & Development Secretaries in this exercise shall be strictly monitored by Divisional Development Ofcers and they shall make visits to the Bank Branches  in their jurisdiction and shall take necessary steps for the logical completion in identifcation of benefciaries and successful implementation of scheme, like,

a.       In YSR Bhima, among others,

i.                  Whether the mapped Welfare Assistants in Rural Areas and Ward Welfare and Development Secretaries have visited the Bank Branches,

ii.                    Whether Welfare Assistants / Ward Welfare and Development Secretaries are submitting Bhima Enrolment forms

iii.                       Whether the activity of making the Benefciary Accounts of YSR Bhima are made active.

iv.                     Whether the survey of un-surveyed cards are being done swiftly for making it completed

b.       In Jagananna Thodu, among others,

i.                  Whether the Welfare Assistants / Ward Welfare & Development Secretaries are identifying benefciaries so that no eligible benefciary is left out of the programme

ii.                    Whether Welfare Assistants / Ward Welfare & Development Secretaries are visiting their mapped bank branches for addressing the problems in rejected cases of the Jagananna Thodu benefciaries.

5)     Accordingly, all the Joint Collectors (VSWS D) are requested to ensure the implementation of above instructions for efective and qualitative implementation of the welfare schemes, YSR Bhima and Jagananna Thodu respectively.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,





1)  All the Divisional Development Ofcers

2)  All the Chief Executive Ofcers, ,PP/ District Panchayat Ofcers

3)  All the District Collectors

4)  The Chief Executive Ofcer, SERP, Vijayawada

5)  The Commissioner / Director, Municipal Administration

6)  The Commissioner, Panchayat Raj and Rural Development

7)  The Commissioner, LET & F Department Copy submitted to

1)  The Secretary to Government, MA & UD Department

2)  The Principal Secretary to Government, LET & F Department

3)  The Principal Secretary to Government, PR & RD Department

4)  The Principal Secretary to Government, GSWS Department.

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